Last minute changes
- Tuesday 26th August 2014, XiBiGP Workshop, Session 2: Alexandre Giuliani canceled his attendance - the lecture will be presented by Aleksandar Milosavljevic
- Thursday 28th August 2014, Parallel session A4: Chair will be Petra Swiderek
- Thursday 28th August 2014, Parallel session B3: Atsushi M. Ito canceled his attendance
Post-deadline abstracts:
- Friday 29th August 2014, Parallel session B6: Karoly Tokesi (HU), Interaction of charged particles with capillariesc
- Thursday 28th August 2014, Poster session 2: 1.35. M. Gutowski, Z.G. Keolopile, A. Buonaugurio, E. Collins, X. Zhang, J. Erb, T. Lectka, K.H. Bowen, M. Allan Insights into Anionic States of Acetoacetic Acid from Photoelectron and Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopies and Theory